Thursday, 18 March 2010

Initial idea’s for sound

We are still looking in to our sound for our two minute Thriller, however we do have some ideas generating. Our original idea was to start off with just diegetic sound of the Station, for the first couple of shots. Then when the first credit appears a non-diegetic soundtrack will start quietly in the background. However when we thought about it we realised the non-diegetic soundtrack just coming in would be very un-realistic and would ruin the tone of the scene. We then decided that just a very brief diegetic sound of a train at the beginning would be enough to establish the surroundings. The non-diegetic soundtrack would then start straight after and would carry on throughout, until the last title credit.

Within our last torture scene we shall have diegetic sound throughout as we believe this will have a greater impact on creating the mood as we will leave it up to the audience to do that themselves. This fits in with the not actually seeing any violence, leaving it up to the viewer concept. However within the torture scene we are going to use pleonastic sound to enhance the antagonist’s foot steps and the clanging sound of the knives, we believe this will create a creepy feeling of realism.

Our ideas for the non-diegetic soundtrack are that it should be contrapuntal sound i.e. soft, calm music; this will create an eerie feeling and create a sense of mystery.

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