Tuesday 9 March 2010

BRIEF - Genre

Do you Invision your Thriller to be a Hyrbrid or Sub Genre?

With the story line of our thriller it would make sense to call it a hybrid. It will contain violence, with seemingly normal people, in normal places which constitute as a thriller. However it will also take on the characteristics of a horror, it will have blood and violence, build mystery and suspense, but also make the audience sit on edge. Also, in a thriller the usual weapon choice would be some type of gun, but we have chosen to be more on the horror side by using knives, and what can be considered as torture devices. The lighting will be low key and naturalistic which will mix the two together, low key (horror), Naturalistic (Thriller). The sound that we use will give the opening energy, thereby building the suspense in the audience, but then the soundtrack will change to become more dramatic and eerie, accompanied by musical stings. Therefore, our thriller will be classified as a hybrid. Thriller/Horror.

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