Monday 8 March 2010

BRIEF - Setting

As our short film is a thriller genre we know our location is very important, the location is used to set the whole tone of the movie. This is why we have chosen to start our production in a fairly normal setting, as the scene opens with an establishinjg shot of London Liverpool street station. We have decided to use a contrapuntal location, as through our research we have found that the realism of the location enhances the dark tone of the film as it becomes more realistic to the viewer. We shall then go on to lead our character to a deserted warehouse; the idea behind the warehouse is that the big open space will represent the isolation of our characters and will reinforce the hybrid genre of Horror/thriller.

The warehouse that we have chosen is abandoned, therefore we not have to ask for permission to use the premises. However, we may have to inform the police of what we our doing as the props we are using may be seen as a threat/dangerous.

The warewhouse is a big wide open space that will be lit up by natuarlistic lighting as it has several broken windows, this iconography fits with our hybrid genre. The colours within the warehouse are all mainly grey and black and reflect the dark, sinical storyline well.

Due to certain circumstances it was not possible to continue our filming at the warehouse, however as James spoke about in an earlier post we have been able to use Tom Vales house in Hutton Mount. The house has many open, spacious rooms with a substantial amount of lighting creating a feel of isolation within an urban setting, we decided on the front room as our settin for the torture scene as it contains a serving hatch, abling us to get a different aray of shots from a mix of angles.

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