Wednesday 17 March 2010

Thriller Idea


The first shot will be an establishing shot from out side London Liverpool Street. It will establish the location and where the events will first take place. We then have a long shot of the antagonist walking through the station, in a high angle shot. Mid shots and close ups establish that he is the main character but also show that he is moving. We see his character walk through his daily routine on his journey home from work. We use cross cutting to show him checking between the time on his watch and the time boards. The idea is to give the impression that he is a normal guy going through his normal routine. We then follow him onto the train and off of the train into a more isolated and run down station.

There is a significant difference between the two locations. Things start to become weirder when we follow him down an empty street into the warehouse. Between each couple of shots the take will fade to black and have a credit. The point of this is to make give feelings of loneliness and horror.

As he enters the warehouse his victim is already tied up, unable to speak from a gag. His clothes are ripped and covered in blood, inferring that the protagonist has been in this situation for a while. This creates enigmas in the audiences head as to why this man is here. He then opens up his brief case and takes out tools and appliances, this hopefully would have shocked the audience who would have seen him as just a normal man. We do not see any torture or violence but we end of a shot of the antagonist going towards the protagonist with the intention of torture. This then fades to the main title of the Film. Disposition.

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