Wednesday 10 February 2010

Psychographics and Advertisers social grades

Belongers: Savers, focused on the future, well known as “nest-builders”, stay at homers. They like to save their money.
Emulators: The young, generally between 13 and 15 years old. They lack in self-confidence and are often confused and vulnerable. Advertisers prey on their insecurities offering them role models, hero’s and reassurance of group acceptance.
Emulator-Achievers: Materialists, obsessed with looking rich but don’t actually posses much money. They enjoy designer labels and the finer things in life.
Societially-conscious: Pride themselves on personal rather than professional or financial fulfilment. Their sceptical of advertisings and often referred to as “Greying hippies”.
Need-Directed: Mainly concerned with surviving and not the luxuries, they earn minimum wage or are on benefits.

Advertiser’s social grades
A. Upper middle – Higher managerial, professional and administrative (directors etc.)
B. Middle – Intermediate managerial, Professional and Administrative (teachers, police etc.)
C1. Lower middle – Supervisory, Clerical, Junior Managerial, Professional Administrative (supervisor at Tesco’s etc.)
C2. Skilled working class – Lower management (Labour/plumbers etc.)
D. Working Class excl skilled – Semi and unskilled (Shop workers, brick carriers etc.)
E. Lowest Level of Subsistence – State Pensioner, Widows without another person to support them. Casual or lowest grade worker. (Part-time workers, students, non-workers etc.)

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