Monday 1 February 2010

Advice from Year Thirteen's

The year thirteen’s came to our lesson to offer advice on making our thriller.
1. The cameras are not good at picking up sound- try to film with as little dialogue as possible of none at all.
2. It is easier to find the location and then think of the story.
3. When choosing location don’t make it in school or anywhere local, it ruins the thriller.
4. When filming it film in the same season, time and place to keep continuity editing.
5. Get the lighting right so what you are shooting is visible. Shots appear darker on the TV screen.
6. Do not smoke, drink or swear, it does not make you look hard just childish.
7. Keep the 180 degree rule as not to confuse viewer.
8. Make sure you are pre-pared and bring ALL equipment to location with a fully charged camera.
9. Plan everything properly to save time and not having to film on multiple days.
10. When choosing people to be in the film chose close friends and people may let you down.

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